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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Sustainable energy related publications, services, professional development opportunities and research support provided by the American Energy Society. Publications include Energy Matters, Energy Today, and current and archival reports and white papers. Services include mapping, dataset location and data analytics. Professional development includes events, conferences, learning objects, career development and internships. Research support includes connection to industry partners, grants, outreach, promotion and marketing.
Patrons must create an account using a email address to activate their membership.
Provides access to primary source materials documenting the development and work of Amnesty International, a leading organization in the fight for human rights. Spanning decades, the collection includes internal records, reports, correspondence, and campaign materials addressing issues such as political imprisonment, torture, capital punishment, and global advocacy efforts. This resource is ideal for researchers studying human rights history, social movements, and international relations.
The CBS News Video Archive provides streaming video of CBS News archival footage spanning the 1950s-2010s and covering flagship programs including Eye on America, Face the Nation, and On the Road with Charles Kuralt.
Provides access to primary sources from the British Colonial Offices documenting the Caribbean's colonial history, with a focus on British colonization, the transatlantic slave trade, plantation economies, and colonial administration. The collection includes correspondence, legal documents, plantation records, and maps, covering themes such as governance, economic development, and the broader socio-political impacts of empire. This resource is ideal for researchers studying colonial and Atlantic history.
This rich collection of American newspapers features over 130 fully searchable newspapers in 10 languages from 25 states from 1799-1971. This database offers rich insights into immigrant contributions to U.S. business, music, science, education, labor movements and war efforts. With an emphasis on Americans of Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Jewish, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak and Welsh descent, this unique resource will enable students and scholars to explore often-overlooked aspects of this nation’s history, politics and culture, including insights into the direct impact of largely anti-immigrant American legislation on specific ethnic groups, the founding of nativist political movements, and “war relocation camp” experiences during World War II.
This archive contains digitized audio and transcripts for more than one thousand episodes of three radio programs: the weekly Spanish-language Enfoque Nacional (1979-1988), the weekly Spanish-language Panorama Hispano (1984-1987), and the daily English-language Latin File (1988-1990). The programs focus on Latinx issues related to politics, sociology, human rights, the arts and more with interviews of key figures and news reporting by Latinx journalists.
The Le Monde historical archive provides full-text, searchable access to the French-language newspaper considered a newspaper of record for France. The cover-to-cover images include news articles, photos, advertisements, obituaries, cartoons, and more.
Science of Synthesis provides a critical review of the synthetic methodology developed for organic and organometallic chemistry.
VDB provides experimental video art, documentaries made by artists, and interviews with visual artists and critics for a wide range of audiences. Video Data Bank currently holds over 6,000 titles in distribution, by more than 600 artists, available in a variety of screening and archival video formats. It also actively publishes anthologies and curated programs of video art.
Trial access ends April 3rd, 2025.
Please send comments to Sarah Wood-Gagnon
