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Learning Outcomes
Exercise 1: How do you currently take notes?
Exercise 2: Listen to this Tex Talk and use your current method of note taking (4.07 to end).
Strategies when taking notes:
Listen or read, then put it aside and write a few sentences about what you remember.
Read the article and, any time an idea or question pops into your head, write it down near the quote that sparked the idea. See example below:
Read the article and, as you read, classify each phrase or paragraph according to BEAM.
B for background information
E for examples or exhibits
A for arguments found in your reading
M for methodologies used in discovering information
Eg. Is it background information? Write B besides the phrase. See example below:
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Justina Elmore, University of Rochester. Adapted from Kristin M. Woodward & Kate Ganski's "What Could A Writer Do With This Source?" {{cc-by-4.0}}
Sketchnoting. (18 Feb. 2019). Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Amytangg on Wikimedia Commons.
Exercise 4: Test Drive a new (to you) method
Take one of these methods you don't usually use for a test run using the practice article provided.