Comparative Literature is traditionally known as the study of two or more literatures in comparison and their multi-dimensional components which may encompass aspects such as the historical, gender, economic, cultural, social, philosophical, religious, an
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Subject areas include African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, business, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, sociology, statistics. The University of Rochester Libraries currently subscribes to the following multidisciplinary JSTOR Collections: Arts and Sciences I through XV. JSTOR also packages their content in disciplinary collections; however, the only ones of these that we have licensed are the Biological Sciences segment and the first of the Business collections. For alumni access, see also Alumni Library Gateway.
Punctum books is an open access and print-on-demand independent publisher dedicated to radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry of high-quality academic books in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, and Architecture & Design. Punctum is devoted to cultivating trans-disciplinary academic work that takes risks with form and style, and to fostering the work of both traditional and non-traditional scholar-researchers, including thought leaders at prestigious universities, early to mid-career researchers at a wide variety of academic institutions, precarious academics, independent scholars, and others who understand the importance of sharing their work with the Open Commons.