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CLTR 116 Dante's Divine Comedy (Stocchi-Perucchio)
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CLTR 116 Dante's Divine Comedy (Stocchi-Perucchio): Home
Web sites
Dante Online (Società Dantesca Italiana)
Princeton Dante Project
Digital Dante
The World of Dante
Includes Divine translations by Alan Mandelbaum.
Dante Society of America
Dartmouth Dante Project
Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629)
Dante Today: Citings and Sightings of Dante's Works in Contemporary Culture
An Illustrated and Interactive Dante’s Inferno: Explore a New Digital Companion to the Great 14th-Century Epic Poem (Open Culture)
Complete side-by-side comparison of the entire Inferno for Longfellow, Cary, and Norton translations
Electronic Books (eBooks)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Inferno (Durling & Martinez)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Purgatorio (Durling & Martinez)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Paradiso (Durling & Martinez)
The Complete DanteWorlds: A Reader's Guide to the Divine Comedy (Guy P. Raffa)
Cambridge Companion to Dante's Commedia (2019)
Iconografia dantesca; the pictorial representations to Dante's Divine comedy by Ludwig Volkmann. Rev. and augm. by the author, with a preface by Charles Sarolea. With seventeen plates and four woodcuts.
Cambridge Companion to Dante (Rachel Jacoff)
Dante's Vision and the Circle of Knowledge (Giuseppe Mazzotta)
Reading Dante (Giuseppe Mazzotta)
Dante: Contemporary Perspectives (Amilcare Iannucci)
Primary Sources other than Dante
Aeneid translation (MIT)
Ovid's Metamorphoses (MIT)
Virgil Translations
Aeneid translations
Confessions of St. Augustine (
Corpus Thomisticum (Research on St. Thomas Aquinas)
William Blake Archive: Illustrations to Dante's "Divine Comedy" (composed 1824-27)
Humanities Librarian (Modern Languages & Cultures/Religion & Classics)
Jessica Lacher-Feldman
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