Chemical properties, structures, MSDS, pricing, IR and NMR spectra. Search by substance name, CAS registry number, product name or number. A plugin needs to be downloaded from the site to enable structure searching.
Find suppliers or sources of components, equipment, supplies, raw materials and custom manufacturing services in North America.
The only free platform designed for sourcing components, equipment, MRO products, raw materials and custom manufacturing services. Discover OEMs, distributors and custom services; Meet certification, diversity and location needs; Send RFQs and RFIs.
A large online catalog of products for industry. It contains over 410,000 items including: hand tools; hardware; storage equipment; springs
protective clothing; drills and drill bits; pumps; piping and tubing; plumbing equipment; and measuring, leveling, and inspecting equipment.
A comprehensive listing of manufacturers and suppliers serving major segments of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) industrial manufacturing marketplace across the United States