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Understanding Research Impact: Pre-Prints & Peer Review

Preprints and Research Impact Studies

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Innovations in Peer Review

Three Models of Post-Publication Review

  • Invited reviewers: an editor invites experts to comment on the published article. Once that work passes review, it is identified as a ”peer reviewed” publication and indexed within scholarly databases as such. E.g. F1000 Research, Copernicus
  • Volunteer reviewers: A group of scholars are vetted by a journal and anyone from that group can review any published work. Each publication will determine if and how an review impacts the status of a work, and when it has been reviewed and edited enough to become “peer reviewed.” E.g. Science Open, The Winnower
  • Open comments: Comments and review happen on the article’s page, on blogs or other third-party sites. These comments can be made anonymously, pseudonymously, or with real names. This type of review won’t typically change the status of a published article from “manuscript” to “peer reviewed”, but may server to identify issues with a paper or to surface interesting and highly-read and potentially highly-impactful articles. E.g. PubPeer, PubMed Commons

Open Peer Review

In an open peer review model all aspects of the publication and review processes are made publicly accessible, including :

  • The original manuscript
  • The names and full reports of all referees
  • Any revised versions of the manuscript
  • And a list of all the amendments made by the author

Wellcome Open Research does open peer review. And this is what an article looks like on their site: 

Preprint Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Faster and wider dissemination: no wait times, no paywalls
Perception of low quality: misunderstanding of preprints as manuscripts that can't pass peer review
Record of priority: permanent datestamp within 24hrs of posting
Risk of disseminating invalid findings: unvetted papers may be picked up by the public, journalists, etc.
Does not preclude publication: usually not considered prior publication. Check SHERPA/RoMEO for specific journal preprint policies
Risk of embargo violations: If press or public publish findings from preprint may be considered prior publication
Establish a body of work: Good for early career researchers; funders like NIH and Wellcome accept preprints as part of application
Rapid evaluation of results: lots of eyes on a given paper  


Data & Research Impact Librarian

Profile Photo
Daniel Castillo
Carlson Library

Beyond the Article

Research papers are no longer considered the only first-class research output. Increasingly scholars are sharing outputs like: