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All electronic library resources, including e-journals, databases, and course reserves, are available to current students, faculty, and staff from off-campus using either your My Account/NetID or VPN access. When you click on the link of a restricted library resource from the libraries' website, you will be prompted to login.
Virtual Private Networking (VPN) establishes a connection so that you appear to be part of the University network. This eliminates repetitive logins. DUO two-factor authentication is necessary to set up your VPN.
The University uses Duo to better protect University data. Duo authentication occurs after you log in with your user name and password using a mobile phone, tablet, or landline to verify your identity.
Core Chemical Engineering Databases & Search Tools
Find technical chemistry & chemical engineering information, material properties and interactive equations and data from full-text reference handbooks, manuals, conference proceedings, case studies, and material properties databases.
Interactive equations have unit conversion; selected data tables can be filtered and points on enhanced graphs can be determined with precision. See Using Knovel Libguide for details.
Identifies journal articles and other literature on engineering, with some links to full text. Includes the Engineering Village backfile with access back to 1884. Users should update their passwords.
Full text of IEEE and IET journals, magazines, transactions and conference proceedings as well as active IEEE standards. Also includes access to the IEEE eLearning Library.
Find suppliers or sources of components, equipment, supplies, raw materials and custom manufacturing services in North America.
The only free platform designed for sourcing components, equipment, MRO products, raw materials and custom manufacturing services. Discover OEMs, distributors and custom services; Meet certification, diversity and location needs; Send RFQs and RFIs.
Identifies articles, patents, conferences, books and dissertations in chemistry and medicine. Search by substance name, structure, substructure, reaction, CAS registry number, molecular formula, organization, research topic and author. Searches Chemical Abstracts, Medline and ChemZent databases simultaneously. Includes PatentPak, MethodsNow and Retrosynthesis Plan. CAS Formulus, and CAS Analytical Methods have recently been added and can be found under the three dot menu on the upper left. A separate registration is required before the first use. See About SciFinder for more detail. To use off campus, use VPN..
Identifies chemical compound properties, structures, and reactions with references to journal and patent literature of chemistry. The data originates from the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, the Beilstein Handbuch der organischen Chemie and a Patent Chemistry database. To learn more, see About Reaxys. Users should update their passwords.
Dimensions is a next-generation linked research information system that makes it easier to find and access the most relevant information, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy. Patrons can register using UR credentials.
To request access to Dimensions Google BigQuery, please contact Dale Hess dale.hess@rochester.edu.
Identifies journal articles and cited references to research publications from 1900-current, including all disciplines, some with links to full text. Search for articles and authors, track citations, and analyze citation activity.
Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and social sciences to arts and humanities. VPN required for off-campus access. Users should update their passwords.
(Online) Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment provides a comprehensive account of coagulation and flocculation techniques and technologies in a single volume covering theoretical principles to practical applications.The book presents the subject logically and sequentially from theoretical principles to practical applications. Successive chapters deal with, in turn, properties of materials present in waters and wastewaters; characteristics and types of coagulants commonly in use; mechanisms and practical implications of destabilization of waterborne material using metal coagulants and polyelectrolytes; considerations and requirements for coagulant addition at the rapid mixing stage; theoretical and practical considerations of flocculation; and details of experimental procedures for assessing primary coagulants, flocculant aids, sludge conditioners, and flocculation parameters.
(Online) Electrochemical Methods for Water Treatment: Fundamentals, Methods and Full Scale Applications covers all traditional, emerging and combined methods currently available for the treatment of surface, drinkable water and industrial wastewater. Topics covered include an overview of pollutants and treatment methods, an extended introduction to electrochemical processes in water treatment, electrochemical oxidation (including electrodesinfection, electrochemical reduction, electrocoagulation, electroflotation, and electrodialysis.
(Online) The classic guide to controlling industrial water pollution-updated with the latest regulations and new technologies Turn to the Fourth Edition of Industrial Water Quality for guidance on state-of-the-art methods for optimizing or upgrading existing wastewater treatment systems, as well as selecting the best treatment options to solve specific wastewater problems. This hands-on tool reflects today's more stringent water-quality regulations and the new technologies developed to meet them.
(Online) An In-Depth Guide to Water and Wastewater Engineering This authoritative volume offers comprehensive coverage of the design and construction of municipal water and wastewater facilities. The book addresses water treatment in detail, following the flow of water through the unit processes and coagulation, flocculation, softening, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and residuals management. Each stage of wastewater treatment--preliminary, secondary, and tertiary--is examined along with residuals management.
(Print) The Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water Resources provides the reader with a comprehensive overview and understanding of the diverse field of hydrology. The intimate inclusion of material on water resources emphasizes the practical applications of this field, applications which are indispensable in any modern approach to the subject.
(Online) WEF is a source of high-quality technical resource area featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiles this information on topics of interest to the water quality community. See TOPICS in the menu.
Total Materia covers material information on over 700,000 material designations from over 80+ standard organizations and 1000s of producer data sheets. The platform covers both metallic and non-metallic materials as well as basic mechanical and physical properties, stress-strain curves, fatigue data, corrosion information and much more. VPN Required for off-campus access.
(Online) Data in the physical sciences and engineering from Landolt-Bornstein, etc.
Data in the physical sciences and engineering from Landolt-Bornstein, chemical safety data, the Dorthmund Data Bank Software and Separation Technology (DDBST), a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases. The chemical safety data is from REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, GHS: Globally Harmonized System, RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances and WEEE: Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Encyclopedia articles on industrial chemical science and technology.
Encyclopedia articles on industrial chemical science and technology covering inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering and unit operations, analytical methods, environmental protection, and much more.
(Online) Encyclopedia articles describing the fundamentals of polymer science, including polymer physics and physical chemistry, advanced characterization methods, polymer synthesis and specific topics especially in materials science.
(Online) This book offers concise information on the properties of polymeric materials, particularly those most relevant to physical chemistry and chemical physics. Extensive updates and revisions to each chapter include eleven new chapters on novel polymeric structures, reinforcing phases in polymers, and experiments on single polymer chains. The study of complex materials is highly interdisciplinary, and new findings are scattered among a large selection of scientific and engineering journals. This book brings together data from experts in the different disciplines contributing to the rapidly growing area of polymers and complex materials.
(Online) Identifies chemical compound properties, structures, and reactions with references to journal and patent literature of chemistry. The data originates from the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, the Beilstein Handbuch der organischen Chemie and a Patent Chemistry database. To learn more, see About Reaxys.
Identifies articles, patents, conferences, books and dissertations in chemistry and medicine. Search by substance name, structure, substructure, reaction, CAS registry number, molecular formula, organization, research topic and author. Searches Chemical Abstracts, Medline and ChemZent databases simultaneously. Includes PatentPak, MethodsNow and Retrosynthesis Plan. CAS Formulus, and CAS Analytical Methods have recently been added and can be found under the three dot menu on the upper left. A separate registration is required before the first use. See About SciFinder for more detail. To use off campus, use VPN..
The Lens serves integrated scholarly and patent knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving. Discover, analyze, and map global innovation knowledge using our institutional subscription.
To view the full text patents, a plug-in is required. Go to the USPTO help page for more information. Full text for patents from 1976 - current. Pre-1976 patents are searchable only by patent number and current classification code.
Dimensions is a next-generation linked research information system that makes it easier to find and access the most relevant information, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy. Patrons can register using UR credentials.
To request access to Dimensions Google BigQuery, please contact Dale Hess dale.hess@rochester.edu.
InnovationQ is a patent search tool that rapidly sifts through big data to quickly and efficiently pinpoint relevant patents, applications, and non-patent literature from IEEE. There are visualizations, advanced features, and the ability to locate "similar" patents to the target one.. Only one searcher permitted at a time. Must request permission and sign-on information from Kathy Wu, Business Librarian kathyw@library.rochester.edu.