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ENGL 286 Presidential Rhetoric: Resource Guide


Resources: First Ladies


Articles, Books & More searches many of the library's resources at once. This is a powerful, fast research tool!

Enter your keywords in the search box.

Search Faster

  • Search phrases using quotation marks
    • example:  "to be or not to be"
  • Combine words with AND, OR, and NOT in capital letters
    • example:  microcircuits OR nanocircuits
  • Substitute * for several possible letters
    • example:  child*     ...will find child, childhood, children, etc.
  • Complex searches may combine elements
    • example:  homeless AND (healthcare OR "health care") AND (adolescents OR teen*)

Tip:  When off-campus , you may be asked to log in with your NetID & password to access resources


Interrogating Primary Sources

Primary sources are documents or physical objects created at the time historical events occurred or well after events in the form of memoirs and oral histories. Examples include:

  • ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records 
  • CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art 
  • RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings

Secondary sources interpret and analyze primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them.  Examples include: Textbooks, journal articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries, and encyclopedias.

Interrogating Primary Sources
The SOAPS method and ask these questions questions about the source:
Subject: What is it talking about?
Occasion: When and where was this record created or found?
Audience: Who is it for?
Purpose: Why was it created?  Why do I care?
Speaker: Who is speaking?  Who created it?
 SOAPS was originally developed by Tommy Boyle at the University of Texas, El Paso.

Humanities Librarian

Profile Photo
Lindsey Baker
Subjects: Black Studies, English

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Graphics Created by Lindsey Baker.