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GSW 232 Body and Sexuality (Bakhmetyeva)

Finding Articles - Discipline specific databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Finding Books

Finding books in our library
1. Search the 
Voyager Catalog for the terms on your topic as either a keywords or as a subject headings to find physical and online materials within the library.

2. Browsing the stacks:  Items in our library are co-located by subject. You might wish to browse the following call number ranges by taking the blue elevators to level 400:

HQ 12-449 Sexuality 


Note: For other call number ranges, see this Call number directory.


Finding books that are NOT in our library
To search for titles outside our library on a particular topic, use the WorldCat Database. Search for a known title or for keywords on your topic.



Once you find a title you'd like to borrow, click the "River Campus Interlibrary Loan" link to submit an interlibrary loan request.


Below, are some titles from our catalog that may be of interest:

Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation

Citation Tracking: Finding articles by citation

Once you have one (or more) useful article on a topic, use the references at the end of article to find more sources on your topic using our Citation Search tool.  This helps you see what was written previous to your current article, often called citing backward.


Use Google Scholar to see who has cited your article after it was published.  This helps you see what has been written after your article was published, citing forward.



 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Justina Elmore, University of Rochester

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