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AAAS/GSWS 213 Politics of Nature (T Bakhmetyeva) and EHUM 301 History of Nature (S Weaver)

Finding Articles - Discipline specific databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Citation Mining: Finding articles by citation

Once you have one (or more) useful article on a topic, use the references at the end of article to find more sources on your topic using our Citation Search tool.  This helps you see what was written previous to your current article, often called citing backward.


Use Google Scholar to see who has cited your article after it was published.  This helps you see what has been written after your article was published, citing forward.



 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Justina Elmore, University of Rochester

Finding Books & Multimedia

Search the DiscoverUR to find books, articles, DVDs, and videos on topics in psychology in the libraries' collections.

Some materials may be in other U of R libraries. You can usually request that books be sent to Rush Rhees and articles sent to you using the "Request" link when logged into DiscoverUR.  For call number ranges and browsing the shelves, see this Call Number Directory.



Most DVDs and videos can be checked out or viewed in the Art/Music library in Rush Rhees. To search what we have, use the keyword search on the Find DVDs and Videos page of the library's website or search for particular titles in the Voyager Catalog.

Need books or DVDs we don't own? We have a very active Interlibrary Loan Service called Illiad. It is available free of charge to current River Campus students, faculty, and staff. Sign up the first time you use it, then just use your NetID and password. Most books take about a week. Most articles take 2-4 days. Just go to the ILL page:


To search for titles outside our library on a particular topic, use the WorldCat Database.

Finding ebooks

Research Guides (for even more resources)