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Funder Requirements for Public Access to Research and Publications: Writing a data management plan

Applying for federal funding? Learn what you need to do to comply with funders' requirements for open access to your data and publications, from writing data management plans for your grant to depositing your data and papers to open repositories.


Use the DMPTool to create your data management plans. The DMPTool walks you through the process of generating a comprehensive plan tailored to a funder's specific DMP requirements.

Go Deeper - 23 Things

 23 (Research Data) Things is a flexible tool for learning more about managing research data. The program succinctly explains each aspect of the research data lifecycle and offers helpful examples and resources. Do all 23 Things, pick a handful that interest you most, or zero in on one topic--no matter what, 23 Things will help you craft your DMP and make managing your data a little bit easier.


Data Management Plans

A data management plan (DMP) is a document that outlines how you will work with data during and after your research project. It describes the existing data you will use in your study, the new data you will produce and collect, where you will store  data, and if and how you will share data with others.

Your DMP should address the following: 

Backups Where will you backup your data (locally, in the cloud, etc.)? How often will you backup your files? Will backups happen manually or automatically?
Existing Data What existing data will need to find? How will you access it? How will you manage it? 
Data to be Created What data will your project create? How much data will you produce? What file format(s) will you use for your data? 
Metadata What metadata will you keep? What format or standard will you follow? 
File Organization How will you name your data files? How will you organise your data into folders? How will you manage transfers and synchronization of data between different machines? How will you manage collaborative writing with your colleagues? How will you keep track of the different versions of your data files and documents? 
Access Control Who will have access to your data? If the data is sensitive, how will you protect it from unauthorized access?
Storage Where will your data be stored? Who will pay for the storage? Who will manage it? For how long?
Sharing What data will you share with others? What license will you apply? When will the data become available?
Responsibilities Who will be responsible for each of the items in this plan? What happens if a team member leaves? 

 Table adapted from the ANDS Guide to Data Management Plans.

This is just a start; don't restrict yourself to the items listed above. Add anything that may be relevant to your particular research project.  If you have any questions or need any help don't hesitate to get in touch!

The main features of a DMP will be the same across all fields, however, there are often disciplinary conventions and specific funder requirements that you may need to take into consideration. You can use the DMPTool to get a sense of  prevailing standards in your subject area.

Data Librarian

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Heather Owen
Subjects: Data & Statistics

Research Initiatives Librarian

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Daniel Castillo
Carlson Library

Know your DMP components
