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RELC 160 Parliament of Worlds Religions: Global Citizenship Practicum (Yarbrough): Home


This guide includes e-versions of course textbooks, recommendations for library research databases, and links to relevant citation resources through River Campus Libraries. If you have any questions or need help getting started with your research, please feel free to reach out to Lara Nicosia, the Religion and Classics Librarian...she is happy to help!

You can reach Lara using the following methods:

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Course Textbooks

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Library Databases

Scholarly Sources

News Sources

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Citation Resources

Official Manual (Online)

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Humanities Librarian

Profile Photo
Lara Nicosia
(585) 275-9298

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Creative Commons License

The content curation and design for this guide was created by a River Campus Librarian in support of the University of Rochester community. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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This guide by River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester is licensed under CC BY 4.0