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GSWS 189 - RELC 189 Sexuality and World Religions (Yarbrough)

Accessing the Class Wordpress site

To access the administrative dashboard and post to the blog use this link:

Logging into the Blog: Your username will be the the first part of your email address that comes before (e.g. for the email address,, the username would be jelmore).

First time users: You should have received an email from WordPress <> with instructions for accessing the site for the first time.  You'll be able to set your own memorable password the first time you log in. If you didn't see this email in your inbox, check your junk/spam folder!

Have Wordpress related questions? Email Justina  

Answers you should know:
Q: What if I forget my password?     A: Go to the blog link above and click on "Lost password"


Public link to the digital project: 

Library Session Hands-on Exercises

Because we cannot all log into the wordpress site at once (it overloads the system), we'll break the class into 3 groups and work on the following exercise for so hands-on practice in developing ideas for your digital projects.

Exercise 1: FERPA and digital consent
1. Read through the blog post "But... FERPA!" by eCampus at San Jose State University to get a better sense of how FERPA might impact digital projects. If you're wondering about University Rochester's policy on FERPA, check out UR's page on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Student's Rights. You'll have three options for the project you create:

  • publish your project online with attribution
  • publish your project online anonymously
  • prepare the assignment but make it private rather than published online

2. Think about the options we've give and what level of public representation you'd like for your project and complete the Digital Project consent form for this course. Note, should you change your mind later, you can always navigate to the course library guide and fill out the form again. These are timestamped and we'll comply with the most recent form you've completed.

Exercise 2: Creating your first post 
1. Log in to the administrative dashboard for the course website and change your password to something memorable (it's recommended that you not use your Active Directory password). Select "Profile," then scroll down to "new password."

2. Choose the name you'd like to publish your project under. Scroll to "Display name publicly as" and choose whether you publish under your first and last name, just your first name, just your last name or as anonymous.

3. Create a new post and introduce your topic idea in just a few sentences.

  • Select at least one tag that is applicable to this topic.
  • Add the category “Introductions” and save your post as a DRAFT.

Remember, these introductions are viewable only to our class. Should any be accidentally published, they will be suppressed before any content is made public.  This is just for us to gain some experience making posts, so you’re comfortable completing your digital assignments.

Exercise 3: Selecting Themes, Tags and Categories for your project
Use the public site to answer the following questions:
1. Read through this blog explaining Wordpress Tags and Categories. Then with your own project idea(s) for this course in mind, navigate to the public view of our course website and click on the "Explore Themes" tab.

2. Look through the posts on the site for some of these themes, list two posts that explore similar themes or issues to your own project idea.  Explain how your idea is/will be similar or different.

4. Take a look at categories assigned to these posts and note at least two potential category listing for your project idea.

5. Take a look at the tags - list all the tags that seem relevant (at least at this stage) to your project idea.  Are there any tags that you would need to add?  Explain why a similar tag would not work instead?

Exercise 4: Medium and formats for your project

1. Think about your own digital project idea(s) for this course.  Then navigate to the public view of our course website and explore the different formats and tools that past students have used to create their projects. 

2. Use the “Media Creation Tools” tab on this class library guide to explore some of the tools there.  Determine which medium/tools you’d like to use to create your project (at least at this stage). Are there other multimedia tools or a format not used in any of the posts that you'd like to try?

3. Jot down themes that your project might touch on. Try looking for images in the public domain or shared under a creative commons license that you might use for your project.  Be sure to capture the url and license information (see examples of photo credits on the About this project tab of our Wordpress site). This is your chance to explore options and think creatively about how your end product will look!