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Get an Interlibrary Loan

An Interlibrary loan can be requested  by clicking on the link on the Library home page under the "How Do I" section or linking directly to

Here’s how it works.

When you can’t obtain a journal article (or a book, book chapter, audio, DVD or almost any academic material), our librarians are part of a global network of libraries that share materials. So by requesting an interlibrary loan, you can obtain that needed document, often in a matter of a few days, depending on what other institution owns the item, who is willing to lend it, and where the item is coming from.

To engage your Interlibrary loan, you need to login to the service with your NetID. You can do this by clicking on the link on the Library home page or linking directly to Then, after you are registered and logged in, you will see a menu.  Go to “New Request” and enter the required data on the item; when finished click “submit”.

You will get an email notice when the item has been received. If the item is in digital form, it will be placed in your Interlibrary Loan account, and you can just log in to download it. If it is a physical item, you can just pick it up at your specified pick up location.






Journal Article Databases

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are short words used to combine search terms in logical operations. Most databases, discovery layers and search engines recognize them and use them to to bring search results that fulfill the requested operations.The most common are AND, OR and NOT. They are written in capitals to differentiate them from regular keywords. 

Check the image below to understand how each of them affects the results of your searches. Parenthesis are used to combine different sets of instructions and to signal the order in which they should happen. 


Reading strategies for vetting sources for close reading

Humanities Librarian

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Lindsey Baker
Subjects: Black Studies, English

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