Search compound by name if you have it. Some compounds have more than one name, ex. ethanol
Put molecular formulas in "hill order": Carbons first, then hydrogens, and then all other elements alphabetically. With some databases, capitalization does count.
Chemical Abstract Registry number is like a social security number for a compound and is a very precise way to search.
Many resources have both property and spectra information.
Your boiling point may be higher or lower (+/- 5 degrees) than the literature values.
Notice the technique and instrumentation that is used for obtaining spectra. Does it match yours? If not, what differences between spectra would you expect?
NCBI database of biological activities of small molecules. Also links to Pub Med and related databases. Contains the LABORATORY CHEMICAL SAFETY SUMMARY (LCSS).
Find chemical properties and structures with related references.
Find chemical properties and structures with related references. Search by structure, name, molecular formula, CAS Registry number, property value or any combination. Retrieve basic property information, description of hazard, derivatives properties, and references to synthetic methods and spectra. Covers properties of inorganic, organic, organometallic, pharmacological agents, analytical reagents or natural products. This is the online version of "Dictionary of organic compounds", "Dictionary of natural products", "Dictionary of inorganic compounds", "Dictionary of organometallic compounds", "Dictionary of pharmacological agents", and "Dictionary of analytical reagents". For more information see the introduction on the database website.
HNMR, CNMR, MS, ESR, Raman, and IR spectra for organic compounds.
Contains HNMR, CNMR, MS, ESR, Raman, and IR spectra for organic compounds. Search by substance name, molecular formula, molecular weight, CAS registry number, or chemical shifts.
Find chemical and physical properties, thermochemistry data or IR, UV/VIS or Mass spectra.
Find chemical and physical properties, thermochemistry data or IR, UV/VIS or Mass spectra by searching for chemical species by name, registry number, molecular formula, or structure. Also find Henry's law and ion energetics data. More NIST databases are available at
Identifies articles, patents, conferences, books and dissertations in chemistry and medicine. Search by substance name, structure, substructure, reaction, CAS registry number, molecular formula, organization, research topic and author. Searches Chemical Abstracts, Medline and ChemZent databases simultaneously. Includes PatentPak, MethodsNow and Retrosynthesis Plan. CAS Formulus, and CAS Analytical Methods have recently been added and can be found under the three dot menu on the upper left. A separate registration is required before the first use. See About SciFinder for more detail. To use off campus, use VPN..
Search by CAS number, name or structure to find articles that contain spectral information. If possible, download the PDF and search for the compound name or the type of spectroscopy you are looking for.
(Print) Easy to use and browsable print resource. Look up compounds in the molecular formula index at the back of volume 3. Probably unavailable during pandemic.
(Print) This three volume set of 12,000 high-resolution 75MHz 13C and 300MHz 1H FT-NMR spectra is arranged according to functionality. The Library contains CNMR and HNMR spectra of 11,828 organic compounds as well as information about their physico-chemical properties. Probably unavailable during the pandemic.