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CHEM 210 & 210W - Organic Chemistry

Library resources to support the work of students in chm 210.

Handout for Finding Properties & Spectra

SciFinder - Properties and Spectra


  • Search compound by name if you have it.  Some compounds have more than one name, ex. ethanol
  • Put molecular formulas in "hill order": Carbons first, then hydrogens, and then all other elements alphabetically.  With some databases, capitalization does count.
  • Chemical Abstract Registry number is like a social security number for a compound and is a very precise way to search.
  • Many resources have both property and spectra information.
  • Your boiling point may be higher or lower (+/- 5 degrees) than the literature values.
  • Notice the technique and instrumentation that is used for obtaining spectra.  Does it match yours?  If not, what differences between spectra would you expect?

Finding Properties

Interpreting Spectra

Online Spectra Interpretation Resources

PRINT Spectra Interpretation Resources

Finding Spectra

Library Day 1 Finding Properties and Spectra