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Crystal structures of small organic and organometallic molecules. Special instructions: Use public computers on the first floor of Carlson to access the full version of Cambridge Structural Database. Contact the Chemistry Outreach Librarian with questions.
The ICSD contains an almost exhaustive list of known inorganic crystal structures published since 1913, including their atomic coordinates. ICSD data is comprehensive, curated and is the perfect basis for finding answers on questions in materials research.
Find chemical properties and structures with related references.
Find chemical properties and structures with related references. Search by structure, name, molecular formula, CAS Registry number, property value or any combination. Retrieve basic property information, description of hazard, derivatives properties, and references to synthetic methods and spectra. Covers properties of inorganic, organic, organometallic, pharmacological agents, analytical reagents or natural products. This is the online version of "Dictionary of organic compounds", "Dictionary of natural products", "Dictionary of inorganic compounds", "Dictionary of organometallic compounds", "Dictionary of pharmacological agents", and "Dictionary of analytical reagents". For more information see the introduction on the database website.
(ONLINE) This text provides students and professional chemists with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and general properties of organometallic compounds, as well as including practical information on reaction mechanisms and detailed descriptions of contemporary applications. Increased focus is given to organic synthesis applications, nanoparticle science, and green chemistry. This edition features: New sections on Multifunctional Ligands, Oxidation Catalysis, and Green Chemistry Expanded discussion on topics from the fifth edition: Supramolecular Chemistry, N-Heterocyclic Carbenes, Coupling Reactions, Organometallic Materials, Applications to Organic Synthesis, and Bioorganometallic Chemistry End-of-chapter problems and their solutions
(Print) Includes new material on the symmetric properties of extended arrays (crystals), projection operators, LCAO molecular orbitals, and electron counting rules. Also contains many new exercises and illustrations.
by Sue Cardinal
Last Updated Jan 30, 2025
98 views this year
Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks
Zeolites in Industrial Separation and Catalysis by Santi Kulprathipanja (Editor)
ISBN: 3527629572
Publication Date: 2010-01-26
This first book to offer a practical overview of zeolites and their commercial applications provides a practical examination of zeolites in three capacities. Edited by a globally recognized and acclaimed leader in the field with contributions from major industry experts, this handbook and ready reference introduces such novel separators as zeolite membranes and mixed matrix membranes. The first part of the book discusses the history and chemistry of zeolites, while the second section focuses on separation processes. The third and final section treats zeolites in the field of catalysis. The three sections are unified by an examination of how the unique properties of zeolites allow them to function in different capacities as an adsorbent, a membrane and as a catalyst, while also discussing their impact within the industry.
Metal-Organic Frameworks provides an introduction to the complex world of MOFs. Researchers new to MOFs can use this work as a jumping-off point for theoretical study or applied research. The work is broad and expansive in scope, but inclusive and comprehensive in detail.