Identifies articles, patents, conferences, books and dissertations in chemistry and medicine. Search by substance name, structure, substructure, reaction, CAS registry number, molecular formula, organization, research topic and author. Searches Chemical Abstracts, Medline and ChemZent databases simultaneously. Includes PatentPak, MethodsNow and Retrosynthesis Plan. CAS Formulus, and CAS Analytical Methods have recently been added and can be found under the three dot menu on the upper left. A separate registration is required before the first use. See About SciFinder for more detail. To use off campus, use VPN..
For SciFinder, first time users must register herewith your UR email address to obtain a free password.
Identifies chemical compound properties, structures, and reactions with references to journal and patent literature of chemistry. The data originates from the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, the Beilstein Handbuch der organischen Chemie and a Patent Chemistry database. To learn more, see About Reaxys. Users should update their passwords.
Identifies journal articles and cited references to research publications from 1900-current, including all disciplines, some with links to full text. Search for articles and authors, track citations, and analyze citation activity.
Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and social sciences to arts and humanities. VPN required for off-campus access. Users should update their passwords.
Identifies articles in clinical and basic biomedical research as well as in psychology, many with links to full text.
PubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Includes access to molecular and bioinformatic databases from the NCBI system (previous Entrez). Automatically expands (explodes) subject headings. Truncation turns off this automatic expansion of the hierarchical subject headings.
Dimensions is a next-generation linked research information system that makes it easier to find and access the most relevant information, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy. Patrons can register using UR credentials.
To request access to Dimensions Google BigQuery, please contact Dale Hess
(Online) Science encyclopedia articles, definitions, biographies, study guides and graphics.
includes McGraw-Hill's Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,9th ed.,McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th edition,McGraw-Hill Yearbooks of Science and Technology and more. updated daily.
includes McGraw-Hill's Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,9th ed.,McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th edition,McGraw-Hill Yearbooks of Science and Technology and more. updated daily.