We’ve done our best to select the most pertinent materials for these Course Resources pages, but if these are not helping with your topic/project, we encourage you to use the Schedule an Appointment link in the Profile box on this page.
Here are a few tips to for researching:
The databases here are listed in order by how focused on the IT industry they are - from Gartner (devoted to IT) to Frost & Sullivan (good portion on tech/IT), to IBISWorld and MarketLine, which cover the whole range of industries (including IT).
The following databases are good places to go for finding articles on computers and information systems from a business point of view:
The following databases are THE places to go for finding material on computers and information systems from a computing point of view:
And then there are databases for OTHER topical areas, such as medicine, and optics:
This is just a sampling - get in touch with me for information on the other statistical databases available to you.
The resources provided here are my "best guess" for what you might need. It probably looks like an overwhelming list already - but this is a very wide-ranging course; I can't anticipate every resource that might be useful. If there's something else you need, please let me know, and together we will improve this resource guide!