We’ve done our best to select the most pertinent materials for these Course Resources pages, but if these are not helping with your topic/project, we encourage you to use the Schedule an Appointment link in the Profile box on this page.
The Business Expert Press collection of ebooks has LOTS of books on all aspects of "Marketing" and writing marketing plans. Here are a few examples, and then a link that will bring up the whole list (and get you into the Business Expert Press database, so you can do more searching on your own). All practical and real-world, and all fully downloadable to your own device!
A couple of books on this specific topic, then a link that will generate a list of additional titles:
For more on the 4p's and other aspects of the theory of marketing, or the use of marketing by a particular company or for a particular product, article and news databases are an excellent resource. Factiva and LexisNexis Academic are news databases, ABI/INFORM, Business Source Premier, and ScienceDirect are article databases (they are arranged by the percentage of scholarly journals they cover - less in ABI, most in ScienceDirect).
If you need to do market or industry research... These first 3 databases are our best "all-around," full-spectrum-of-industries resources:
Try the following databases if your research is more consumer or "daily life products"-oriented:
The following databases are our best resources for hi-tech or medical/pharma market research: