We’ve done our best to select the most pertinent materials for these Course Resources pages, but if these are not helping with your topic/project, we encourage you to use the Schedule an Appointment link in the Profile box on this page.
Here are a few tips to for researching:
Let's start with some resources specifically on this topic of "consumer behavior" - these are all ebooks:
And how about managing your consumer (customer) relationships?
These are the best databases if your research is consumer or "daily life products" or even sports! -oriented:
The following 3 databases are our best "all-around," full-spectrum-of-industries resources. If you're looking for industry reports for the US, China, or "Global" - IBISWorld is the place. If you need information for specific countries ("Beer in Ireland," for example) - MarketLine is the place. Just the United States - FirstResearch.
The following databases are our best resources for hi-tech or medical/pharma market research:
The following are additional possibilities; frankly, I don't find theses databases usually as good as the ones listed above, but wanted to give you as many options as possible:
Articles are great places to look for information or reports of studies on consumer behavior. Here are some suggestions, in order from Most Scholarly to most popular/news items:
In case 'branding' or 'brands' ties into your consumer behavior research:
Does this course call for hard-core number crunching? If so, you might want to take a look at the Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series homepage at ICPSR. The University of Rochester is a member of ICPSR, so you can create an account and download all the datasets you want. Just be ready, though: this is not Excel-land, you'll need to be ready to work with SAS, SPSS, Stata, or R, and really read the Codebook that goes with the data. If all this sounds like a foreign language to you, move on to the other resources on this page! ;)
For quick numbers, especially on "hot" or "trendy" topics, try Statista:
A data aggregation platform with statistics, facts, and market data in a wide range of topic areas.
For more traditional kinds of demographic or "business stats", try the following databases: