It is essential to cite your sources of information when writing an assignment or research project.
There are many different citation styles (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.). Different disciplines use different styles that reflect the interests of their readers. Generally your professor will let you know which style to use. If your professor has no preference, choose a commonly used style (likely APA or MLA) and be consistent, using the same style throughout your paper.
Citations give credit for ideas or quotes and allow the reader to track down the original sources of the information. Failure to cite your sources constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism is a problematic and controversial topic, especially in the sciences. Ask your professor when in doubt or check the Academic Honesty Box for additional information.
View the following video to learn more:
No matter what style you're using, the main thing your citation needs to do is help your reader find the source you used.
Citations of particular materials (i.e., books, journals, websites) are easily recognizable by the content that they require. When writing citations from scratch, be sure to include the following general components.
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Ask the Academic Honesty Liaison questions at or 6-8334