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WRTG 105 Let's Talk Emotions (Armoskaite)

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Selected References from Professor Armoskaite


CBC Radio. (2018, December 14). Is that baby so adorable you want to eat it up? You're committing 'cute aggression.'

Donahue, A. G. (2020). The borrowed silence of translation. The Massachusetts Review, 61(2), 368–373.

Ephratt, M. (2008). The functions of silence. Journal of Pragmatics, 40(11), 1909–1938.

Napoli, D. J., & Hoeksema, J. (2009). The grammatical versatility of taboo terms. Studies in Language, 33(3), 612–643.

Travis, T. (2018). The cool chick in recovery: Understanding Brené Brown. Raritan, 38(2), 72–102.

Truesdale, D. M., & Pell, M. D. (2018). The sound of passion and indifference. Speech Communication, 99, 124–134.

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