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Special Collections: Black History and Culture Resources: Rare Books

This guide will help you navigate the Black History and Culture collections in the Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation (RBSCP)
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Rare Books on Black History and Culture

RBSCP has many books related to Black History and Culture. Our largest collections of published material in this subject relate to: 

  • Slave Narratives

  • Books by and about Frederick Douglass, including a substantial collection of children's books about Douglass

  • Books about Black individuals and groups in Rochester

  • Books about Rochester that include topics affecting the Black community, such as redlining

Assistant Director, Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation

Profile Photo
Autumn Haag

Areas of Expertise

  • 19th Century Social Justice and Activism
  • Black History and Culture
  • Literature, including Bibliographic and Book History and Children’s Literature
  • Political History; 19th century and Midge Costanza
  • Rochester and Regional History
  • Women’s History
Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation
Rush Rhees Library
Room 225
755 Library Road
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627