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Advanced Search in DiscoverUR

DiscoverUR's Advanced Search interface allows you to design searches that retrieve more focused results than basic keyword searches. Use the Advanced Search interface to select specific search fields and incorporate the Boolean Operators AND, OR and NOT between search terms in you queries. 

Check the section Search for Known Items for additional tips. 

Search For buttons allow you to search within a specific category of materials (i.e. materials that belong to UR, electronic resources, course reserves or research guides).

Add A New Line of search filters: add up to 7 rows. Select from a list of search fields and combine them with the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.

Wild Cards: Use a question mark ? to perform a single character wildcard search. For example, type wom?n to search for records that contain the strings woman, women, and so forth.

Use an asterisk * to perform a multiple character wildcard search. For example, type cultur* to search for records that contain strings, such as culture, cultural, and culturally.







Advanced Search allows you to perform a search that returns all records for one or more selected pre-filters (such as Material Type and Language).

Project help

Creating an advanced search examples

Theme 1: Promoting psychological safety in the classroom

Theories: social constructivism, collaborative learning

Theme 2: questioning strategically

  • Theories: metacognition, Bloom’s taxonomy, constructivism, collaborative learning
    Example search: questioning strategically from the Library's DiscoverUR search tool
  • From Google Scholar - note that it doesn't filter for peer-reviewed articles, so it's more difficult to judge quality:

Theme 3: motivating student learning

Some key words for your literature search: PLTL, peer-led team learning, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, small group learning, active learning, teamwork, student-led study group

list of educational journals:

recommended databases: Google scholarPsycInfoEducation Full Text (You can also access these databases from the River Campus Libraries webpage:

Education Databases

Social Science Librarian

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Eileen Daly-Boas
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