Mergent Online provides detailed information on over 50,000 publicly traded companies worldwide and 30 million privately held companies. Special sections include the Investext collection of 18 million current and historical broker research reports on companies, industries, products and markets; and Mergent Horizon which offers supply chain data along with customer, competitor and product information. For alumni access, see also Alumni Library Gateway.
Private company profiles and financial data (revenue, income statement, balance sheet, etc.), venture capital funding deals and investors, M&A, more. Each user must create a login using a UR email address.
Yes – you CAN get financial data for private companies! Also very useful for creating lists of companies by geography, industry – with more granular detail than by NAICS or SIC, although those are available as well – rate of growth in revenue or employees, and whether or not the companies are PE/VC backed or not. Useful for career searches or entrepreneurial searches (who else makes this product? How many [x] are located within 50 miles of [place]? Etc.)
Industry research reports; US & Global. Search by keyword or NAICS code. Market size, competitors, forecasts, valuation, & more. Includes Industry Wizard. The U.S. Spotlight Industry Report collection offers titles focused on ultra-niche industry categories that feature insights in condensed format focused on providing more charts, tables, and graphs
This database provides access to Industry (reports by country), Company, and Country reports, plus Company News, Financial Deals, and Case Studies, Market size, segmentation, competition, and forecasts. MarketLine Explorer capitalizes on actionable intelligence spanning 22 global industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, Explorer offers detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries, impacting companies, and driving innovation. At the login screen, click on IP Access.
Additional modules within MarketLine: Financial Deals Tracker: Track market activity with MarketLine's database of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity deals, venture finance deals, private placements, IPOs, and partnerships. Company Prospector: Screen companies and build lists of potential business partners, clients, and investment targets in industries and countries of interest. Investment & Advisory Prospector: Identify advisory & investment firms operating in specific industries, and gain insight into the investment and inorganic strategy of companies. Company Report Generator: Generate fresh custom company reports featuring analytical text and charts which draw on MarketLine's company datasets. Example sections include company overview, history, SWOT analysis, M&A, partnerships and agreements, news and product information. is the platform that provides access to two leading collections of market research reports: Kalorama and Freedonia Focus. Freedonia Focus Reports provide analysis on a wide variety of markets and industries on 15 industry categories and two major geographic collections. Topics run the gamut from raw materials to finished manufactured products and various consumer goods and services. Kalorama provides worldwide business intelligence and syndicated market research in the life sciences industry (topics include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices and diagnostics.
In-depth market research & trends reports. Consumer products focus: brands/products, lifestyles, some finance & tech. US & Europe. The finance and culture & identity modules contain finance, sustainable consumer, and diversity, equity & inclusion reports. Each user must create a personal account using a UR email address.
Trends module adds analysis of consumer trends & how they align with business applications.
Full text articles published in the New York Times via the ProQuest platform.
Includes international, national and New York regional news, in addition to business, science, medicine, arts, sports and lifestyle news. Some issues for 1953, 1962-1963, 1965, 1978 were never published due to pressman's strikes. No Sunday issue was published until April 21, 1861.
Access the daily edition of the Wall Street Journal (New York Times, and more).
Link takes you to the "News Page" function in Factiva, which provides 2 weeks of daily backfiles. To search the entire backfile of the WSJ (and many other news sources), go to the Search interface.
The American City Business Journals (ACBJ) database provides full access to local business news publications from 45 Business Journal markets, including all digital content across 18 different industries, access to the Weekly Edition, Book of List, search Archives, and more.
Create your account by going to this website: Please note when creating your account, you need to use your email address issued by UR with the domain
Select a city from the top of the screen after you "Create Your Free Account" from the website:
Articles from academic business journals and business trade publications; plus industry reports, some market data, and company profiles from the Experian Commercial Risk database.
For alumni access, see link to Proquest Alumni Edition on the Alumni Library Gateway.
In-depth market research & trends reports. Consumer products focus: brands/products, lifestyles, some finance & tech. US & Europe. The finance and culture & identity modules contain finance, sustainable consumer, and diversity, equity & inclusion reports. Each user must create a personal account using a UR email address.
Trends module adds analysis of consumer trends & how they align with business applications.
Provides annual statistics for businesses with paid employees within the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Island Areas at the U.S. level and by State, County, Metropolitan area, ZIP Code, and Congressional District Levels.
Retrieves data series from more than 30 United Nations and agency databases in one search interface.
UNdata allows you to search 30 United Nations and agency databases in one search interface. It contains a wide range of subjects including agriculture, crime, education, employment, energy, environment, health, HIV/AIDS, human development, industry, information and communication technology, national accounts, population, refugees, tourism, etc.
A database contains more than 500,000 economic time series from 87 sources. It covers banking, CPI, exchange rates, GDP, interest rates, monetary aggregates, PPI, reserves and monetary base, U.S. trade and international transactions, and the U.S. financial data. The data can be viewed in graphic and in text form and is downloadable.
A digital archive managed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to safeguard, preserve and provide easy access to the United States’ economic history, particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System, through digitization of documents related to the U.S.
Includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies. Covering 23 topics, including Demography/Population, Economics, Globalization, National Accounts, etc.
More resources on Economics and Business
To find more resources, please visit the Economics library guide (click HERE) and the Business library guide (click HERE).