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WRTG 105 Utopia on the Page, in Theory, and in Practice (Corbeaux)

BEAM Method

 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Justina Elmore, University of Rochester {{cc-by-4.0}}.  Adapted from Kristin M. Woodward & Kate Ganski's "What Could A Writer Do With This Source?" 

BEAM & the garden cities movement
Shulman, H. C., Rhodes, N., Davidson, E., Ralston, R., Borghetti, L., & Morr, L. (2017). The state of the field of social norms research. International Journal of Communication, 11, 22.
Will use this to establish the history of social norm development.

Toomey, D. (2022). Levels of male friendship [Tweet].
Will use this as an example of intimacy plateau.

Oransky, M., & Marecek, J. (2009). “I'm not going to be a girl” masculinity and emotions in boys' friendships and peer groups. Journal of adolescent research, 24(2), 218-241. 
Will use to examine how social norms create challenges for men.

Rossano, M. J. (2012). The essential role of ritual in the transmission and reinforcement of social norms. Psychological bulletin138(3), 529.
Will use this to explain social norm theory and how it applies to my argument.

Article citation Primary or Secondary? Background Exhibit Argument Methods
Shulman, H. C., Rhodes, N., Davidson, E., Ralston, R., Borghetti, L., & Morr, L. (2017). The state of the field of social norms research. International Journal of Communication, 11, 22. S Will use this to establish the history of social norm development   Will use this to argue about how social norms impact male friendships  
Toomey, D. (2022). Levels of male friendship [Tweet]. P   Will use this as an example of intimacy plateau    
Rossano, M. J. (2012). The essential role of ritual in the transmission and reinforcement of social norms. Psychological bulletin, 138(3), 529. S       Will use this to explain social norm theory and how it applies to my argument
Oransky, M., & Marecek, J. (2009). “I'm not going to be a girl” masculinity and emotions in boys' friendships and peer groups. Journal of adolescent research, 24(2), 218-241. S     Will use to examine how social norms create challenges for men's friendships