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WRT105 Let's Do the Time Warp Again (Lowman)

Reference Managers we support


Do you have a favorite reference manager that we haven't listed here? Let us know by email and we'll see about adding it here.

MLA Style

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed. (2009)  Rhees Reference LB2369 .G53 2009, also Rhees Reserves and Koller-Collins Center. The Modern Language Association answers additional questions at MLA Handbook FAQs.

APA Style

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed. (2010)   Rhees Reference BF76.7 P83 2010, also Rhees Reserves - Online, see APA FAQs, APA Quick Answers--References, and the APA Style Blog. The older APA style guide to electronic references (2007) is also available.

Chicago Manual of Style

Further resources for writing, citation management, bibliographies, and research

This River Campus Libraries' page provides links to writing tips and citation guides. The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers an excellent website on how to provide documentation when you gather, evaluate, and use the work of others.