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WRT 105 Reading and Writing Nature (Jaime)

Credible Sources

In your assignments, you will be asked to use sources that are both credible and relevant. While there are some tips to help you gauge the credibility of a particular source, relevance is something that you will be expected to judge on your own based on the source content and your intended purpose for it. Relevant sources should be appropriate and strongly connected to your arguments.

Check the following video created by the North Carolina State University Libraries to learn more about credible sources:

Primary vs Secondary

Use this guide to differentiate between Primary and Secondary sources: 

Scholarly vs Popular

Using the BEAM Model

To learn about the BEAM Model, read the following article or check the video below.

Joseph Bizup (2008) BEAM: A Rhetorical Vocabulary for Teaching Research Based Writing, Rhetoric Review, 27:1, 72-86, DOI: 10.1080/07350190701738858 

B - Background

E - Exhibit/Evidence

A - Argument

M - Method