CREDO ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowA customizable general reference solution for librarians and learners offering more than 600 titles from over 80 publishers.
EconLitThis link opens in a new windowEconLit identifies articles, books, working papers and more, covering all aspects of economics. Some full text and links to more.
A tutorial on using EconLit in the EBSCO interface is available on YouTube:
FRASER - Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisThis link opens in a new windowA digital archive managed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to safeguard, preserve and provide easy access to the United States’ economic history, particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System, through digitization of documents related to the U.S.
FRED - Federal Reserve Economic DataThis link opens in a new windowA database contains more than 500,000 economic time series from 87 sources. It covers banking, CPI, exchange rates, GDP, interest rates, monetary aggregates, PPI, reserves and monetary base, U.S. trade and international transactions, and the U.S. financial data. The data can be viewed in graphic and in text form and is downloadable.
Datasets, with codebooks, on political attitudes, health and welfare, education and economic behavior. Almost all codebooks are online. If a codebook is only available in hard copy, you may contact us for more info.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowFull text articles in many disciplines. To access JSTOR you may need to login with VPN .
Subject areas include African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, business, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, sociology, statistics. The University of Rochester Libraries currently subscribes to the following multidisciplinary JSTOR Collections: Arts and Sciences I through XV. JSTOR also packages their content in disciplinary collections; however, the only ones of these that we have licensed are the Biological Sciences segment and the first of the Business collections. For alumni access, see also Alumni Library Gateway.
NBER Working PapersThis link opens in a new windowFull text of National Bureau of Economic Research working papers.
Philosophy OnlineThis link opens in a new windowFull-text collection of philosophy journals.
PhilPapers - Index of Works in PhilosophyThis link opens in a new windowSearch or browse this comprehensive index of philosophical journals, books, and open access archives.
Political Science CompleteThis link opens in a new windowIdentifies articles in political science, many with links to the online full text.
Covers comparative politics, American politics, international relations, legislative politics, NGOs and political theory.
Project MuseThis link opens in a new windowFull text of scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.
ProQuest ResearchThis link opens in a new windowIdentifies articles on all topics, many with links to full text. Includes articles in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, news, trade journals and more.
Identifies articles on all topics, many with links to full text. Includes articles in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals, news, trade journals and more
RePEc - IDEASThis link opens in a new windowThe world's largest, freely available, bibliographic database of work in Economics. Note: if the record includes the message: "Download Restriction: Access to full text is restricted to subscribers" and you are working at home, I recommend setting up VPN and always using that connection from home. VPN makes it look like you're on campus to our subscription-only resources.
Social Sciences Full TextThis link opens in a new windowIdentifies articles in sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, politics and law, many with links to full text.
Abstracts included from 1994-current; full text for many articles from 1994-current.
SocINDEXThis link opens in a new windowIdentifies articles, books and other resources in sociology, anthropology, education, and other social sciences.
1. Go to the Library Home Page:;
2. Click the Pull-down arrow of the search box and click on "journals";
3. Enter the word "Economist" in the search box.
4. Click on the top result, which should be The Economist magazine;
5. Scroll down the various options for accessing the Economist until you see "Single Issues". Click on that one, and you will be able to view the full digital version of the current (and past) issues.