River Campus Libraries Best Practices:
Basic LibGuides subscribers have access to Homepage, Guide, and Asset reports, as well as the Content Summary. Here’s a great guide on how to collect statistics about your LibGuides:
For Example:
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Here’s a link to the webinar recording (under the resources tab on this guide) on how our BrowZine subscription can be integrated into LibGuides. Also available are instructions on creating a widget, journal table or browzine search box (all three are covered in the webinar). An example of the widget can be seen below the profile box on the PSC LibGuide.
1) Guide type: Subject Guide (your guide will not appear in the course guides list if they are mislabeled as general). If you forget to set the guide type and it is created as the default type (General purpose), you can change it on the course guide: select the settings gear, then Guide type, then select Course Guide.
2) Assign Subject Associations: On the course guide, click on the edit (pen icon) next to subject on the upper left corner of the guide. From the dropdown list that appears, check all the subject associations that apply. Note: WRT courses should have Writing Program assigned as the subject.
3) Add Metadata for Mapping to Blackboard:
Add as many subjects as is applicable...
Before you create a new guide, check LibGuides to be sure that it doesn't already exist. If one already exists, ask the owner of the to be made an editor or ask to take over ownership of the guide. If one doesn't yet exist, use the following steps to create your new guide.
1) Guide Name: Formatting should mirror LibCal specifications for consistency.
2) Guide type: Course Guide (your guide will not appear in the course guides list if they are mislabeled as general). If you forget to set the guide type and it is created as the default type (General purpose), you can change it on the course guide. Select the settings gear, then Guide type, then select Course Guide.
3) Assign Subject Associations: On the course guide, click on the edit (pen icon) next to subject on the upper left corner of the guide. From the dropdown list that appears, check all the subject associations that apply. Note: WRTG courses should have Writing Program assigned as the subject.