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ACRL 2019 “Must be comfortable with ambiguity” - Resources: Conference Session & Panelists

Links and resources from the ACRL 2019 Presentation: “Must be comfortable with ambiguity”: How Outreach Librarians are navigating their new roles to better engage with scholars in the 21st century.

2019 ACRL Panel Session

“Must be comfortable with ambiguity”: How Outreach Librarians are navigating their new roles to better engage with scholars in the 21st century


When applying for one of our Outreach Librarian positions, “must be comfortable with ambiguity” has become a standard requirement. New and existing librarians are discovering the importance of that mindset as we connect foundational skills and values of librarianship to emerging technologies, creative approaches to outreach, and the cultivation of a fearless mentality when taking on new roles. This presentation highlights five stories of Outreach Librarians - each with their own background and perspective on adopting this aspirational role - shares an organizational culture that encourages success, and guides participants in connecting their needs to organizational goals.  

Panel Session Learning Outcomes
Objective 1: Participants will reflect on professional activities that evoke fear or nervousness in order to reshape these feelings toward opportunities for professional and personal growth

Objective 2: Participants will explore two new methods for dissolving existing barriers or encouraging new support structures in order to identify ways to adapt, manage, and thrive in an environment that favors proactive outreach

Objective 3: Through outreach librarians’ stories, participants will map proactive impact-generating strategies in order to address main concerns they face, thereby increasing impact on their campus

People brand new to the topic. 
People with experience in the topic, but who are transitioning to greater responsibilities in this area.

Head of Outreach, Learning, & Research

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Kimberly Hoffman
Dept of Learning Initiatives
Rush Rhees, Office 106

Outreach Librarian for Business

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On-Call Librarian

Outreach Librarian for Gov Info & Economics

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Kathy Wu
I am available for one-on-one virtual consultation through Zoom.

I also hold office hour on Mondays from 2 PM to 3 PM in the Gleason Hall Room 330. Walk-ins are welcome.

Zoom meeting only by appointment at

Outreach Librarian for the Social Sciences

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On-Call Librarian

Social Science Librarian

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Justina Elmore
Learning Initiatives
Rush Rhees Library, Rm. 106
755 Library Rd, Rochester, NY 14627
League of Librarians
(585) 276-7845
Website Skype Contact: jusssty