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ED 439 Policy Analysis in Education: Education

Finding Journal Articles using Databases

Education Policy Databases

Education Data

Open Web - Advanced Search Tips

The open web provides a plethora of resources for finding data.  Try using Google Advanced searching or Google Dataset Search.  

Tips for Advanced Google searching include:

  • Include search terms like data or table 
  • Google ignores the word AND as a search operator. But, typing OR in all caps will find similar or related terms (e.g. women OR females OR girls).
  • Search for a particular document type (e.g. childhood obesity filetype:xls)
  • Search for data on a particular site or domain (e.g. childhood obesity
  • Exclude words by using the "-" sign in front of the word you wish to exclude

Education Organization Access through UR

Searching Articles & Books

Searching Education Full Text Database

Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Eileen Daly-Boas
Prefer Zoom? If I'm on chat, I'm happy to switch to Zoom.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
(585) 236-4145

Google Scholar Tips

Keeping track of your sources

If you're working on a research paper or literature review, you'll need an easy way to keep track of your sources. This guide can help:

Finding ebooks

Or check out some of the individual e-books collections below:


Brainstorming - step by step

Write what you know - what you’re curious about - don’t edit yourself! Terms that you know, researchers? Any more specific areas you might focus on -


Pre-research: Where do you get ideas for the right kind of terms? Wikipedia, google, news, friends? Take a few minutes to look around. If you like google, fine - just remember, we’re just getting the landscape. Try to think of some source that you have some trust in with respect to your topic.


First pass at narrowing your topic

Who - can you narrow the group?

Where - can you narrow the place?

When - can you narrow the time frame?

How - can you limit to a particular methodology/effect?

(If your research question/topic is super-specific - you can use these to broaden it a little, too.)


Using Articles and Books as brainstorming tool. (first tab: Articles & Books)  

What we’re not doing quite yet: looking for 10 pdfs to download and read. (We’ll get there, I promise)

  • We’re going to start by seeing what’s happening in the field *right now* - we’ll put some search terms in, and then use the filters:

Scholarly articles


Publication date (try “Last 12 months”)

Use the “Preview” link to read the abstract, subject headings, etc.

Not finding what you want? Try changing the search terms - you might be discovering new terms as you look.


Finding a few “starter” articles

Your research question should be getting a little more focused now. Find one or two articles that look promising. Open them up, and we’ll take a moment to think about how these might help us find more relevant research.

  • Author, journal, keywords

  • Lit review, introduction, background

  • Conclusion: areas for future research

  • Works Cited/ Bibliography/References

Is there one article cited that you like that’s more than 2 years old? Let’s see if anyone else has cited that article:

Now, you have a few articles, and you might find you need to go through parts of this again as your ideas change and develop.  Have a strategy and remember that I’m here to help with that!

 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Eileen Daly-Boas, University of Rochester

Getting the most out of the library

Research Flowchart - Strategies for Educational Research