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ED 439 Policy Analysis in Education: RefWorks

RefWorks: getting started

To begin, sign up for a new account at the link above. You'll need to allow pop-ups and cookies in your browser for RefWorks to work properly.

For a series of short, introductory videos, they are on YouTube here

With RefWorks, you can automatically import your citations with just the click of a button!  Look for the "export" button, and choose RefWorks, and they will be added to your citation list. 

Below is a short collection of videos showing you how easy it is!

RefWorks also has plug-ins for Microsoft Word and Google docs that allow you to add citations to your paper as you write it, using any citation style you prefer, and easily add a "works cited" page at the end! More information here:

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Kathy Wu
I am available for one-on-one virtual consultation through Zoom.

I also hold office hour on Mondays from 2 PM to 3 PM in the Gleason Hall Room 330. Walk-ins are welcome.

Zoom meeting only by appointment at