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The Greene Center Employer Challenge - Business Resources for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Databases, Journals, Newspapers, Reports, Government Agencies Data Sets and Other Resources


Newspapers and Journal Articles

All of the following publications either focus on, or regularly cover, matters related to diversity in the workplace.



Trade Publications/On the Open Web

Government Agencies

There is a great deal of data on issues surrounding people of color, women, and other diverse populations available from several US government agencies. Here are several of your best bets.


CRS Reports | Keyword: Diversity

The Congressional Research Services (CRS) produces reports for members of Congress on a wide range of topics. You can filter on sub-topics such as “Banking and Finance”; “Workforce and Labor” and other business/employment related subjects


World Economic Forum: Global Gender Report

This YR 2020 report includes a ranking of countries around the world in pay equity, representation on Corporate boards and much more. The Forum describes its mission in this project as follows:

“Gender parity has a fundamental bearing on whether or not economies and societies thrive. Developing and deploying one-half of the world’s available talent has a huge bearing on the growth, competitiveness and future-readiness of economies and businesses worldwide. The index’s rankings offer an effective means to benchmark progress. They are designed to create global awareness of the challenges that gender gaps pose, as well as the opportunities that emerge when action is taken to reduce them.”

Data Sets

Data Sets

Some of the best open data sets  on diversity and the workplace are available from the U.S. government at its Data.Gov site which makes over 200,000 available to be searched and downloaded. You view available find data sets specifically related to diversity and the workforce by clicking here.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission collects data in the Employer Information Report EEO-1 on gender and racial diversity in the workplace; see for instance 2018 Job Patterns For Minorities And Women In Private Industry (EEO-1)

Additional data sets from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission can be obtained by searching the US government’s Data.Gov, and clicking on this link

Other Resources

Videos and Podcasts

Ted Talk: How Diversity Makes Teams More Innovative

YouTube: There are scores of videos on diversity, equity and inclusion available on YouTube.  You  can browse scores of these by clicking here

Other Resources: Job Boards

The Top 20 Job Boards for Diversity Hiring | Breezy

Breezy is a producer of recruitment software and has compiled a list of the top 20 job boards geared for companies and HR departments that want to recruit and hire a diverse population

Job Search: Diversity & Inclusion in Business |Boston University Site:

Boston University libraries has curated a list of sites that focus on connecting, recruiting and hiring of employers with diverse job seekers.