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Data Bloom: Data Bloom Contest

Data Bloom is a series of data visualization workshops which conclude with a contest.

Join the Libraries for Data Bloom, a series of data visualization workshops capped with a contest! Learn how to effectively create attractive data visualizations in one or all of our workshops... then show off your work in the Data Bloom contest for honor, glory, and prizes!


Data visualizations for the contest can be made with any software and include, but are not limited to, graphs, data dashboards, maps, and digital humanities projects.

Data Bloom: Data Visualization Competition Rules

Submitting Visualizations

Note: Submission link will not work outside of the submission window time period.


Who Can Participate

  1. While the workshops are open to anyone, the Data Bloom contest is only open to registered students of the University of Rochester.
  2. The contest is open to all departments, disciplines, and programs.
  3. Individuals, or groups up to 5 students, are allowed to participate.  Groups must contain all undergraduate students or all graduate students.

Contest Information

  1. Submissions will be accepted during the submission window period.
  2. All applicants will be reviewed by a panel of judges drawn from different departments of the University of Rochester.
  3. There will be a minimum of three prizes:
    1. Best Undergraduate Visualization
    2. Best Graduate Visualization
    3. People's Choice Award:  Requires attendance and presentation at the Data Bloom contest party.
    4. Rare Books & Special Collections Award (more info here!)
    5. Self-submit your visualization to URRR to be entered into a giveaway.
  4. Submissions will be displayed at the Data Bloom contest party in January.

Submission Rules

  1. Submissions should be in good taste and befitting Meliora Values.
  2. A submission's data can come from any source, but must be properly attributed.  Every submission should be publicly available or a sample provided to the judges.
  3. Students are encouraged to submit visualizations made for classes, independent class projects, internships, employment, or original creations for the contest.  We kindly ask you to refrain from submitting visualizations that have already been submitted and/or accepted to journals, books, or conferences.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Data Bloom committee.
  4. Visualizations may be made with any software program.  Software programs should be disclosed.
  5. AI-generated material, if used, must be disclosed.
  6. The Data Bloom committee reserves the right to disqualify any submission if they violate the letter or spirit of the contest.

Contact: Arjay Romanowski

Data Bloom: Data Visualization Competition Rubric

Categories Maximum Points
Introduction and Attribution 5 points
Design and Accessibility 20 points
Effective Communication 15 points
Creativity and Innovation 25 points
Total Points 65 points

Data Bloom: Data Visualization Competition Ceremony

The winners of the Data Bloom Competition will be announced at the Data Bloom Competition Ceremony. 

Explore captivating visualizations crafted by undergraduates and graduates, showcasing a range from intricate charts to interactive dashboards. Cast your vote, indulge in light refreshments, and network with fellow data enthusiasts.

Details of the Event:

  • Date/Time: TBD
  • Location: TBD
  • Registration Link: TBD

Student submitters will have the chance to present on their data visualizations.  Details on their talk will be forthcoming after the end of the submission period.

STEM Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Arjay Romanowski
Carlson Library