Or check out some of the individual e-books collections below:
While many of the books and journals in sociology are in Rush Rhees Library, some useful materials will be in other U of R libraries. Do notice Location. You can usually request that books be sent to Rush Rhees and articles sent to you using the Request This Item link in Voyager. If you need help locating something in the stacks, stop by the Q&i Desk:
Books on sociology can be found on the level 3 of the library (follow the yellow line in the stacks to the yellow elevators).
Here is a breakdown of some the major subclasses:
HM 401-1281 Sociology (General)
HM 435-477 History of sociology. History of sociological theory
HM 461-473 Schools of sociology. Schools of social thought
HM 481-554 Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects
HM 621-656 Culture
HM 661-696 Social control
HM 701 Social systems
HM 706 Social structure
HM 786-806 Organizational sociology. Organization theory
HM 811-821 Deviant behavior. Social deviance
HM 826 Social institutions
HM 831-901 Social change
HM 1001-1281 Social psychology
HM 1041-1101 Social perception. Social cognition
HM 1106-1171 Interpersonal relations. Social behavior
HM 1176-1281 Social influence. Social pressure
Note: For other call number ranges, see this Call Number Directory.
Most DVDs and videos can be checked out or viewed in the Art/Music library in Rush Rhees. To search what we have, use the keyword search on the Find DVDs and Videos page of the library's website or search for particular titles in the Voyager Catalog.
Need books or DVDs we don't own? We have a very active Interlibrary Loan Service called Illiad. It is available free of charge to current River Campus students, faculty, and staff. Sign up the first time you use it, then just use your NetID and password. Most books take about a week. Most articles take 2-4 days. Just go to the ILL page: https://illiad.lib.rochester.edu.
If UR doesn't have the article or book you need, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that will deliver a copy to you. PDFs of articles usually arrive in two days or less! If you have the citation of the item you wish to request, go to the ILL page: https://illiad.lib.rochester.edu
& log in with your NetID to request an item.
From within any of the library any databases, click the button. It will find the full text of your article online if it's available through the libraries. Or, it will search the library catalog for you to see if we have your article in print--or let you request it via Interlibrary Loan.
Looking for books we don't have in the library? Try searching WORLDCAT (either for a title or by keywords on your topic). Click on the button to request a book through ILL.
Still can't find what you're looking for? Please contact me!