For SciFinder, first time users must register here with your UR email address to obtain a free password.
Use the Catalog Search in DiscoverUR to search specifically for books or journal titles or other materials available at the University of Rochester Library. Use the full Articles, Books & More for searching for article authors and titles.
Print dissertations for chemistry are located in Rush Rhees library, Level G100m at Call number AS38.664, and then in alphabetical order by author. These can be borrowed like books. They can be found by searching the author and/or title words in the catalog or searching on the call number. Searching the advisor name in quotes as a keyword may also find recent ones. Limit to the "River Campus Libraries" to see print only or to the "internet" to see ebooks. Most ebooks will not have a call number. Print dissertations were no longer required after Spring 2012.
Use currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose to decide whether to use or cite a source.
Is the article popular or scholarly?
For internet sources, learn ways to spot bad science. Stop, investigate the source, find additional coverage and trace to the original. The context matters. Learn more about how Wikipedia has value, especially in the references.
1) Create an account.
2) Craft a really good search.
3) Save the search.
4) Look for a way to email the results to yourself periodically.
Web of Science Alerts (video):
Pubmed Alerts (video):
To keep up with references and appropriately cite them in papers and bibliographies, consider one of these tools. Each will copy citations from databases into a single location that you can manage.
All electronic library resources, including e-journals, databases, and course reserves, are available to current students, faculty, and staff from off-campus using either your My Account/NetID or VPN access. When you click on the link of a restricted library resource from the libraries' website, you will be prompted to login.