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Note-Taking While Researching Module (CASC 142): Step Two: Interrogate

Interrogate a Source

Step Two:

For this method of notetaking while researching, you will be interrogating a source. This time, it will be a written source.

When you interrogate a source, you read closely and, any time an idea or question pops into your head, you will write it down. Try to write it down with or near the quote that inspired it.  There is an example below.

Questions you may want to think about while you are interrogating the article include questions regarding:

  • Audience
  • Purpose of the information (why are they sharing it and what are you meant to do with it)
  • How does this connect to knowledge you already have? Does it support or subvert the things you may have learned?
  • How might you use this information to bolster an idea you have, or disprove the information to make your argument stronger?
  • Can you use key words or phrases from this article to further your research, either narrowing a broad idea or finding a new angle fore the topic that could improve the scholarly conversation about it?

Journal article with annotations as an example of interrogation notes method

Please use the linked source below (a brief article) to practice the interrogate method. You may want to print this out, use a PDF notetaking app, or you can use a separate device or paper to take notes as you read.

Up Next: You will use another brief article to practice the BEAM method of notetaking.