Please take 10 minutes for this exercise. Read through the text linked below at least one time very closely.
As you consider the various points made in the article, please apply B.E.A.M. to it, which will allow you to compartmentalize the function of each piece within the article. B.E.A.M. stands for:
B → Background information included in the source
E → Evidence or examples used within the article to develop/support key points
A → Arguments made within the source, for or against the main issue
M→ Methodologies used to discover new information
Tips for making the process your own:
If you have different colored pens or highlighters, make distinctions between these four different pieces of the article. For example, highlight all background information in blue; highlight all arguments in yellow.
Alternatively, you can create your own code. For example, make a box around all background information; circle any examples used within the source. Or simply write a B, E, A, and M next to the areas that correspond.
Read the article and, as you read, classify each phrase or paragraph according to BEAM. Is it background information? Write B besides the phrase. See example below:
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Justina Elmore, University of Rochester. Adapted from Kristin M. Woodward & Kate Ganski's "What Could A Writer Do With This Source?" {{cc-by-4.0}}
Please use this brief article to practice the BEAM method of notetaking.
Up Next: You will practice the visual notetaking method using another article.