This guide provides reliable resources pertaining to the study of behavior and the mind, including books, journals, databases, videos, and reference sources in the psychological sciences.
Access datasets and codebooks in the social sciences, including:
* Archives of Scientific Psychology Data
* Collaborative psychiatric epidemiology surveys
* Collaborative psychiatric epidemiology surveys
* National addiction & HIV data archive program
* National archive of criminal justice data
* Child care & early education research connections
* Population research in sexual minority health (PRISM) archive
* National archive of computerized data on aging
* National longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health (Add Health)
Some datasets are considered “protected access” and require that you log in with your UR credentials and/or request access through the Archives Review Committee. Log in by scrolling to the top of the ICPSR site and creating an account (using your UR email address).
Datasets, with codebooks, on political attitudes, health and welfare, education and economic behavior. Almost all codebooks are online. If a codebook is only available in hard copy, you may contact us for more info.
Access to tools that include a database of transcripts, programs for computer analysis of transcripts, methods for linguistic coding, and systems for linking transcripts to digitized audio and video.
A web-based video library funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health to enable sharing and reuse of research videos among developmental scientists.
Provides detailed mortality and population data to researchers, students, journalists, policy analysts, and others interested in the history of human longevity.
Data available from the five centers of ISR, including Center for Political Studies Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Population Studies Center, Research Center for Group Dynamics, and Survey Research Center.
A US repository for social science data on human development and social change, especially data that illuminates women's lives and issues of concern to women.
Human health data, resources include tissue banks and repositories, datasets and databases, model organisms, genome and DNA sequences, and resource libraries.
Provides access to data collected or compiled by NIAAA on alcohol consumption, alcohol-related mortality and morbidity, and other alcohol-related problems and consequences.
A repository primarily for research data collected by researchers and organizations affiliated with Ontario universities, although anyone in the world is welcome to use Scholars Portal Dataverse to deposit, share, and archive data.
Access data on mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, suicide, substance abuse, etc. as well as demographics of hospitals and the psychology workforce.
In-depth market research & trends reports. Consumer products focus: brands/products, lifestyles, some finance & tech. US & Europe Each user must create a personal account using a UR email address. See more resources for market research on the library's Business Research Guide.
Trends module adds analysis of consumer trends & how they align with business applications.
"The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It does not take positions on policy issues."